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GSS AE Alumni Association Spotlight Questionnaire – Mr. Aniekan Willie, CPP

Your Name:Mr. Aniekan Willie, CPP.
Email (will not be published online)[email protected]
Your Current Location:City: Lagos
State / Province: Lagos
Country: Nigeria
GSS Graduation Year:1983
Post-GSS Education (if applicable)Yaba College of Technology, Yaba Lagos; Abia State University, Uturu, Abia State
What is your OccupationSecurity Consultant and Business Owner
Are you Self Employed or Work for Someone else?Yes
Company Name:Mantra Protection Solutions Limited; Aniekanabasi Nigeria Limited
Your Job Title:Founder/CEO
Why did you choose to attend GSS?It was the premier secondary school at the time and one that was well sought after by discerning parents for their wards. My aspiration was to be associated with the school and so it wasn’t difficult to choose when it was time to fill the form for common entrance examination.
Who influenced you most during your time at GSS, and Why?This clearly has to be our principal at the time, Elder E.G. Utuk because of his uncompromising and disciplined disposition
The other would be a certain Mr. Etukudo (Economics and Government teacher) who challenged and brought out the best in me when I was almost floundering in my academics. He saw my falling grades after a terminal examination and said to me at the beginning of the new term and in a matter-of-fact way “I’m disappointed in you Aniekan”. That was a turning point for me as it helped kept me more focused on my studies.
Share your best GSS memoryA lot of fun memories indeed! Even though I managed to evade staying in the dormitory in my early school years but when I finally went in my class 4, I found the comradeship and familial experience quite enriching and rewarding. The years of innocence and the carefree life that sometimes accompanied that. The period of inter-house sports when friends (in groupings) would dress up and show-off latest dance steps. The “occasional” breaking of bounds to attend disco and parties and the subtle academic competition in classes. And more…
Did you have a nickname during your time at GSS?My known nickname was Hurricane.
Who was your best friend at GSS? And are you still friends to this day?Friendship evolved but my closest friends then were Aniekan Okon Etuk, Okon Asuquo Etimand Inam Akpadiaha Wilson.
What is the most important thing you learned while you were at GSS?The value of hard work and self discipline .
What activities or sports were you involved in at GSS?Not much of a sports person but enjoyed occasional games of volleyball, table tennis and badminton.
What advice do have for current students who want to make the most out or their experience at GSS?Study hard and don’t be afraid to try again when you fail. Hardwork and perseverance will take you far in life. More importantly, follow your intuition.
Describe How you remember GSS in in your own words.My best foundation in life. The values I imbibed back then has sustained me through thick and thin.
Describe your career path after GSS.Back then there wasn’t much of career counselling but in following my natural aptitude and inclination I have evolved to a rewarding career in Security Consulting that is more like a hobby for me. Talk about earning a living while having fun!
How did your education and discipline at GSS prepare you for what you are doing today?The academic foundation we got in GGSAE was a solid one. It was so much easy for one to adapt and cope with what came afterwards. Just  like any structure, once the foundation is solid,it is easy to add or build on it.
What is your greatest professional accomplishment?Rose to peak of my career in ExxonMobil as the first indigenous Global Security Advisor and setting up and running a fairly successful independent security consulting firm providing services to high networth individuals and private and public corporate entities.
What advice would you give current students or recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?Have integrity and high work ethics.
What is something people may not know about you?Highly spiritual individual.
Are you married? Have children? or anything else you would like to share?Married to a life-long friend and partner that fate first brought my way in GGSAE but I did not recognize until much later in life. Together we have two beautiful and lovely children.
What is your opinion about GSS Eket Alumni Association goals and vision?The aspirational objectives of GSSAE Alumni Association are apt and fits into my personal beliefs in giving back to the society.  It is only fitting because one of Creation’s Laws ensure that it is only in giving that you receive and that what you do for others you are actually doing it for yourself.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Aniekan Willie

    Quite an interesting piece MacSam! Taking us down memory lane suffused with historical records and anecdotes. Thank you.

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